Special offer Lenin Peak 2024

Climb Lenin Peak with Maximum comfortable packs, ideal for entry-level climbers.

More info in Russian

Key information:

Duration of the tour: 22 days
Elevation: 7134 m
Location: Kyrgyzstan
Lat/Lon: 39.34690°N/72.86920°E
Peculiarity: High altitude climbing, mountaineering & Maximum comfortable packs, ideal for entry-level climbers.
Season: July – August; Base Camp in 2024, will operate between 1st of July and 1st September 2024.
All inclusive GUIDED tours with guaranteed departure dates: Available
The cost of international flights:
 Not included
The cost of local flight: Included (In Bishkek – Bishkek packages only)
The cost of personal insurance: Not included
Personal equipment: Available at extra cost.

Supplier of services: ClimberCA International ConsortiumAbout Us.
https://t.me/ClimberCA – telegram; +7966 065-53-44 – whatsapp/viber
e-mail – your.climberca@ya.ru
Note: ClimberCA offers to you the best service & the firm prices of all kind of services we offer on our web-pages. Some services, which we offer to you, are truly unexampled.

Basic program: 22 days

Lenin Peak from the Garlic Field  Lenin Peak. Hike to camp 1 (4200 m) Lenin Peak. Lenin glacier

International Mountaineering Camp (IMC) “Pamir” will be active between 1st of July and 1st September 2024.
Situated in the Pamirs on the border between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, close to the borders with China and Afghanistan, Lenin Peak is one of only five 7000 meter peaks in the former USSR. At 7134 meters it is the third highest, the others being Peak Communism (7495m) and Korzhenevskoy (7105m), both in the Pamirs, and Pobeda Peak (7,439m) and Khan Tengri (7010m) in the Tien Shan. To climb all five admits you to the elite group of Russian climbers known as Snow Leopards. Lenin Peak is considered the most accessible 7000-meter mountain. There is a high way going almost to the foot of the peak. Also Lenin Peak by the normal Razdelnaya route is practically no technical climbing involved.

Route Description

IMC “Pamir” is located in the foot of Petrovskiy Peak in Achik-Tash valley near the big river. The ground is a carpet of wild garlic and alpine flowers. From IMC “Pamir” we head over the Puteshestvinnikov Pass (4200m). The ascent usually takes 1-1.5 hours by a good path. Sometimes there is snow on the pass. Then we descend to the left moraine of the Lenin glacier. Further we should cross the river carefully. The best time for crossing is early morning, as the river rises rapidly throughout at this time. Across the left moraine of glacier to the Lenin glacier (4100m) and hike to camp 1 (4400 m).
From camp 1 at 4400 meters, we cross the dry Lenin Glacier and ascend the long snow slopes which run directly to the summit (north face). At 5000 meters we traverse to the west and, ascending gently, we arrive at the rim of a large snow basin. We cross this, traversing beneath Razdelnaya Peak. A short climb up a scree/snow slope leads to camp 2. There are a few crevasses on this section of the route but it is straightforward snow plodding. It is, however, a long and tiring day, and an early start is needed to avoid the worst effects of the sun. Directly above camp 2 is an easy-angled couloir which leads to the north ridge of Razdelnaya Peak (6148 meters). Initially the ridge is almost level, but as we approach Razdelnaya Peak the angle steeples.

The final 400 meter climb to the summit of Razdelnaya Peak is straight-forward but the effects of altitude make it hard work. The views from the summit are superb. To the north we can finally get the true perspective of the Alai Plain while to the south there are a multitude of snowy peaks. Peak Communism and Korzhenevsky dominate our view of the south Pamirs. Further east the Wakhan and Hindu Kush are clearly visible, and on a good day it is possible to make out Tirich Mir. From Razdelnaya Peak the ridge dog-legs to the west and drops down 100 meters to Razdelnaya Pass at 6000 meters. It is here that we will make camp 3.

From camp 3 the whole of the summit ridge is visible. From here we will have two options. Either we climb directly to the summit and back to camp 3 in one long day, or we place a fourth camp at about 6400 meters. From camp 3 we follow the broad ridge to a plateau (the site of camp 4) at 6400 meters. We traverse this back to the ridge proper where it steepens to form a short step which is turned on the north side. Above this the ridge is broken and rocky until we reach a large snow plateau. We traverse this and rejoin the ridge just below the summit.

The summit at 7134 meters is crowned by a number of plaques, including one of Lenin himself. The views, as you would expect, are outstanding and stretch right across the Pamirs to Mustagh Ata and Kongur in China. Further in the distance is the Hindu Kush and further west still the Karakoram.

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Climb Lenin Peak. All inclusive GUIDED tour

Lenin Peak. Full board up to the summit with high altitude guide service

Key information:

Duration of the tour: 22 days
The number of climbers in the group: 2-15
Elevation: 7134 m
Location: Kyrgyzstan
Lat/Lon: 39.34690°N/72.86920°E
Peculiarity: High altitude climbing, mountaineering & All inclusive GUIDED tours.
Season: July – August; Base Camp in 2024, will operate between  1st of July – 31th of August.
Maximum comfortable packs, ideal for entry-level climbers: Available 
The cost of international flights:
 Not included
The cost of local flight: Included (In Bishkek – Bishkek packages only)
The cost of personal insurance: Not included
Personal equipment: Available at extra cost. Please note that we do not rent warm clothes and other items of personal use.
Guided group expeditions to Lenin Peak guaranteed dates Osh-Osh – 2100 USD
Guided group expeditions to Lenin Peak guaranteed dates Bishkek-Bishkek – 2400 USD
High-Altitude guide: Included
The maximum ratio guide – customers: 1:3

Supplier of services:
 ClimberCA International ConsortiumAbout Us
https://t.me/ClimberCA – telegram; +7966 065-53-44 – watsapp/viber
e-mail – your@climberca.com
Note: ClimberCA offers to you the best service & the firm prices of all kind of services we offer on our web-pages. Some services, which we offer to you, are truly unexampled.

This page in Russian

Lenin Peak. The view from camp 3 at 6000 metres Lenin Peak. The view from camp 3 at 6000 metres Lenin Peak. The view from the summit at 7134

Fixed dates (Guided, joining based):

Bishkek-Bishkek (22 days)  Osh-Osh (20 days)  
28.06 – 19.07   29.06 – 18.07 Group Info
06.07 – 27.07   07.07 – 26.07 Group info
14.07 – 04.08   15.07 – 03.08 Group info
22.07 – 12.08   23.07 – 11.08 Group info
30.07 – 20.08   31.07 – 19.08 Group info
07.08 – 28.08  08.08 – 27.08 Group info

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Climbing Lenin peak + Khan Tengri in same summer

Lenin Peak & Khan-Tengry in one summer 2024. Expedition 36 days

Supplier of services: ClimberCA International Consortium.
Telegram https://t.me/ClimberCA
WhatsApp / Viber +7966 065-53-44
e-mail – your@climberca.com
Note: ClimberCA offers to you the best service & the firm prices of all kind of services we offer on our web-pages. Some services, which we offer to you, are truly unexampled.

In Kyrgyzstan there are three seven-odd thousand metres high (“seventhousander”) of five in former Soviet Union, now CIS. One of them is – Lenin peak (7134 m). It is the most affordable of seventhousanders for ascent. Khan-Tengri peak indescribable beautiful. For the high altitude climbers, this peak is one of the few in the world, on top of which everyone wants to visit.

If you feel that mountain peaks, up to 7000 m tall, are of your abilities, then you are ready to make a step on a track of “the Snow leopard». The reality is that the “Snow Leopard” summits: Lenin peak and Khan Tengri, are still remain the most accessible, in material sense, peaks that are up to 7000 m tall in the World. We offer you a program for your attempt Lenin Peak & Khan-Tengry in one summer 2024.

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Pobeda Peak Expedition 2023

Key Information

Tour Duration: 27 day(s)
Group Size: 1 – 10 people
Destination: Kyrgyzstan
Coordinates: 42°02′06″N 80°07′32″E
Specialty Categories: Mountain Climbing/Ascending Mountain Peaks
Season: Base Camp South Inylchek will be active between 10th of July and 25th of August in 2023.
International Airfare Included: No
Helicopter Flight to BC and back: Yes
Personal Travel Insurance Included: No
Personal Equipment Included: No
Tour Customizable: Yes
Price Per Person:
Basic package in 2023: 2750 USD per person
Econom package in 2023: 1600 USD per person

Supplier of services: ClimberCA International ConsortiumAbout Us
Telegram – https://t.me/ClimberCA
WhatsApp / Viber +7966 065-53-44
e-mail – your@climberca.com

Note: ClimberCA offers to you the best service & the firm prices of all kind of services we offer on our web-pages. Some services, which we offer to you, are truly unexampled.

– More info in Russian

– Khan-Tengri Peak expedition 2023

– Guided Khan-Tengri Peak expedition – Special offer & fixed dates 2023

– Khan-Tengri Peak North Side Expedition (7010 m)

– Khan-Tengri Peak North to South Expedition

– Acclimatization trek from «At-Jailoo» 2500m to BC «South Inylchek» 4100m + mountaineering program


– Climbing to 7000m requires excellent physical fitness and good health. You must be able to walk at altitude for several days consecutively. Average walking time is around 6-7 hours per day. Daily altitude gain is about 500-800 m. You need to be able to handle adverse weather and be comfortable camping on snow covered ground.
– Your insurance should permit you to work on a height above 4200 m.

Base Camp South Inylchek will be active between 10th of July and 25th of August in 2023.

Pobeda Peak Expedition (7.439 m)

Pobeda Mountain PeakPeak Pobeda overranges all the other peaks of the majestic Tien Shan range with more than 400 meters. Together with its broad an complex built it makes for one of the most awesome sights in the mountains. The peak was already scaled in the thirties of the last century by Soviet climbers. But it was not known until the spring of 1943 that they had actually scaled the highest peak of these Northern mountains. In 1943 the Soviet team again succeeded in reaching the summit and this time it’s got its name under which it is still known: Peak Pobeda, meaning “Victory peak”.

It is a highly dangerous, exhausting and technical mountain to climb. Sometimes it’s called “ the coldest mountain on earth”. Actually it is one of the northernmost 7000+ peaks on the globe and most routes up it come from the West and Northwest. All these factors add an extra difficulty to climbing it. A frightening number of, mostly Russian, mountaineers lay down their lives on this ridge. This bad reputation made that not very many parties have visited the mountain during the last 10 year, and less experienced climbers stay away with it.

Route description

The most often climbed route, coming from the Southwest involves many kilometers of a mixed and broken ridge which is all situated above 7000 meter.

Advanced bace camp is located at Zvjozdochka glacier at 4600 m. Then early in the morning we head for camp at 5300m on Dickiy pass. Camp 3 is at snow plateau at 5700 metres where we will either use snow caves or tents. Further camps are then established at 6400m and 6800m, the upper camp being just before the long traverse (about 6 km. at the altitude above 7000m.) to the summit ridge. A final snow cave is normally established at 7100m towards the other end of the long traverse. The summit day is relatively long.

Basic program – 27 days.

Day 1. Arrival in Bishkek, accommodation in a hotel.
Day 2. Transfer Bishkek- Karkara ( 460 km ), accommodation at the Camp.
Day 3. Fly by helicopter to BC “ South Inylchek ” (4000 m.)
Day 4. Acclimatization and preparation for ascent.
Day 5. Acclimatization and preparation for ascent.
Day 6. Climb to the camp № 1. 4600 m.
Day 7. Climb to the camp № 2. 5300 m.
Day 8. Climb to the camp № 3. 5700 m.
Day 9. Climb to the camp № 4 6400 m.
Day 10. Descent to the camp № 1. 4600 m.
Day 11. Descent to the base camp.
Day 12. Rest day.
Day 13. Climb to the camp № 1.
Day 14. Climb to the camp № 2.
Day 15. Climb to the camp № 3.
Day 16. Climb to the camp № 4.
Day 17. Climb to the camp № 5. 6900 m.
Day 18. Climb to the camp № 6. 7100 m.
Day 19. Ascent of summit and descent to the camp № 5
Day 20. Descent to the camp № 3.
Day 21. Descent to the camp № 1.
Day 22. Descent to the base camp.
Day 23. Additional day in case of bad weather.
Day 24. Additional day in case of bad weather.
Day 25. Helicopter flight to Karkara and transfer to Bishkek. Overnight in hotel.
Day 26. Free day in Bishkek. Overnight in hotel.
Day 27. Transfer to the airport. Departure.

Note: Please note that the above itinerary is intended to be a guideline only. Unforeseen problems with team fitness could occur and there is always the threat of bad weather to force last minute changes. Our expedition equipment and food will have to be carried up over a period of time and several climbs to each camp. This routine, of climbing high and sleeping low before occupying each camp, will also provide essential acclimatization. This period will also include essential rest days taken at Base Camp. The expedition guide will work with the primary objective of getting as many people to the top as possible, rather than adhering to any previously laid down itinerary.

Schedule of helicopter flights in 2020:

July 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 29, 30
August 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 24


Cost of basic package in 2023: 2750 USD per person
Cost of econom package in 2023: 1600 USD per person

Basic package includes:
– Meeting/seeing-off at Airport in Bishkek or Almaty;
– Transfer Airport/Railway Station in Bishkek – hotel – Airport/Railway Station in Bishkek;
– Transfer Bishkek – Karakol – Karkara and back;
– Helicopter flight to BC and back;
– Unlimited luggage weight on the helicopter flight to BC and back
– Accommodation at hotels in Bishkek/Almaty breakfast included (2 nights);
– Accommodation at the Karkara camp, full boarding;
– Accommodation and 3 times a day boarding at BC “ South Inilchek “;
– Free usage of hot shower and sauna, toilet and cloak-room at BC “ South Inylchek “;
– Consultancy service of local guide;
– Consultancy of doctor;
– Registration with local Rescue Party;
– Ecology fee payable for usage of territory at BC;
– Usage of long-distance radio telecommunication service;
– Rent of ultra-short wave radios during ascents;
– Frontier zone permit;
– Official registration with authorities of Kyrgyzstan(if needed)

Econom package includes:
– Helicopter to BC and back with personal load up to 30kg included (overweight is charges separately at 4 USD per each extra kilo);
– Consultancy service of local guide;
– Consultancy of doctor;
– Registration with local Rescue Party;
– Ecology fee payable for usage of territory at BC;
– Usage of long-distance radio telecommunication service;
– Frontier zone permit;
– Official registration with authorities of Kyrgyzstan.

The cost for both packages does not include:

  • The cost of Kyrgyz visa;
  • International flight;
  • All optional deviations from the main itinerary;
  • Beverages and meals not included in main menu;
  • All personal expenses (extra luggage fee, room service, medical expenses/insurance, etc.);
  • The services of a mountain guide and porters for ascending/descending;
  • The rent of mountaineering equipment;

Additional services at Base Camp:

Rent of tents for high camps – 80 USD per program
Gas cartridges of 230 g (butane/propane) – 12 USD per one cartridge
International call by satellite telephone – 4 USD/min
Internet – 5 USD/hour

Special offer:
Oxygen cylinders – 650 USD
Rent of mask and oxygen pressure reducer – 300 USD
Deposit for oxygen cylinders – 50 USD (refund, if you bring back an empty balloon)

Personal equipment:

Backpack – 85 liters, Sleeping bag -1, Sleeping pad – 1, Helmet -1, Harness – 1, Carbines – 4, Jumar – 1, Crampons– 1, Repshnur (6-7 mm) – 5 m, Ice axe – 1, Sun glasses – 1 or 2, Torch (headlamp) -1 + set of spare batteries, Ice screw -2, Folding knife – 1, Down jacket/parka -1, Gortex: pants, jacket – 1 suit, Polartec: jacket 200 -1; pants – 1, Thermal underwear – 1 suit, Polartec 100 – 1 suit (jacket, pants), Polartec gloves -1, Overmitts – 1.+ windproof -1, Warm hat -1, Balaclava -1, Warm socks -2 pairs, Socks, Gamashi, Sun protection crèam, Figure-8 descender – 1, Telescopic Sticks (poles). – 1, Avalanche shovel –1, High altitude boots – 1, Trekking boots -1.

Insurance information

Dear guests,
Please pay attention on the fact of your security in case of any accidents if you purchase insurance policy. Responsibility for the reliability of the insurance company and for the accordance of insurance policy to our demands holds by the owner of insurance. We imperatively recommend to control next information in the insurance policy:

1) GLOBAL VOYAGER CAN NOT INTERVENE as an insurance company assistant

2) The sum of the policy must cover not less than USD 30.000

3) In the field “occupation” (or “sports practice”) “Mountaineering” must be notified

4) As Country of stay – Kyrgyzstan

5) The effective dates of the insurance policy must be included and coincide with the dates of Stay in Kyrgyzstan

6) The insurance policy must cover at least “first aid” and “transport of affected by helicopter if necessary” (be sure of this point to be included during the formalization of the insurance policy)

Before the formalization of the policy, make sure which assistant operates the insurance company in question.

Please remember: we do not work with GLOBAL VOYAGER assistant. In case the client has purchased an insurance policy in any company whose assistant is GLOBAL VOYAGER, medical and transportation expenses will be borne by the client involved.

Razdelnaya peak expedition

Supplier of services: ClimberCA Inernational ConsortiumAbout Us
Telegram – https://t.me/ClimberCA
WhatsApp / Viber +7966 065-53-44
e-mail – your@climberca.com

Note: ClimberCA offers to you the best service & the firm prices of all kind of services we offer on our web-pages. Some services, which we offer to you, are truly unexampled.

Climbing is cool. It’s fashionable. More and more people every year want to test their ability in the mountains. But not everyone is equally rich and healthy for such expeditions. One able to attempt the highest mountain peaks of the world, like Everest and Cho Oyu. Others choose in the middle, at the peaks of 7000m +. But even more climbers are attracted by the so-called trekking peaks with a height of 6000m +. We have a large list of climbing programs for such peaks. Most of them are located in the Nepal Himalayas. But in the season of 2019, the top-selling trekking peak climbing program became Razdelnaya peak (6148 m.) package. Why?

The phenomenon of organised camps

In the Himalayas, there are a lot of peaks that attract climbers. But when you look at the climbing program and see the words Base Camp, what does this mean? Does this mean that the Base Camp is an organised place where climbers can expect comfortable accommodation, food, Internet and other facilities? Not at all! Very often, this is just a point, from where the ascent to the top usually begins. Everything that you will need for sleeping, cooking, seating, eating etc., you have to bring with you, or your tour operator must deliver it there for you.

In the Kyrgyz mountains, this is not so. At the foot of Lenin Peak, Khan-Tengri Peak and Ala-Archa, comfortable base camps have been created, moreover in Ala-Archa, the hut can host climbers all year round. But back to Lenin Peak. Arriving in Osh by plane, having one backpack, with your personal belongings, in just a few hours you will find yourself in a comfortable Base Camp. Here, tents with beds are ready for you, food is prepared. The camp has electricity, internet and even a doctor.

Here you can rent most of the things you need to climb. Last season, for the first time, even high-altitude boots were offered for rent.

So, it remains only to climb to the top. But on the way to it there is the Advanced Base Camp almost as comfortable as a BC, and high-altitude camps with pre-installed tents, high-altitude food and kitchen utensils. All this greatly reduces the level of requirements for climbers. Reduces climbing time and program cost. Here’s the answer to the question: why last season Peak Razdelnaya appeared among the best-selling destinations.

International Mountaineering Camp (IMC)

International Mountaineering Camp (IMC) “Pamir” will be active from 1st July till 1st September 2023.

There is a unique opportunity to spend part of the summer 2023 in the area of Lenin Peak in the legendary International Mountaineering Camp (IMC) “Pamirs”.

This was the first international mountaineering camp in the Soviet Union, opened in 1974 at the Achik-Tash glade in the Alai Valley. Many famous climbers of the world remember those “golden times” of this camp.

The camp received a new lease on life in the summer of 2019, when a team of professionals rented the IMC premises.

Amazing landscapes, stunning turquoise lakes, Lenin glacier, blooming edelweiss, fresh air and pristine mountain energy, familiarity with the life of the indigenous inhabitants of the Pamirs – all this is within walking distance from the IMC “Pamirs”, where you will stay with comfort. National cuisine, a Russian bathhouse, horseback riding – this is an incomplete list of what awaits you during your stay in the IMC “Pamirs”!

In 2023 season everyone will be able to rent high-altitude boots, crampons, ice axes, harnesses, carabiners, jumars, trekking poles, sleeping bags, helmets, gas burners, ropes and so on.

The International Mountaineering Camp team sets up the ABC at an altitude of 4400 meters and high-altitude camps with spacious tents along the way to the top of the Lenin Peak.

Route Description

From International Mountaineering Camp “Pamir” we head over the Puteshestvinnikov Pass (4200m). Then we descend to the left moraine of the Lenin glacier. The hiking to Camp 1 (AIMC) is going by a clearly visible path. Further we should cross the river carefully. The best time for crossing is morning. From AIMC to Camp 2 firstly we cross the dry Lenin Glacier, then ascent by the center of North Face through a lot of crevasses on the both sides of the path. At 5000 meters we traverse to the west and, ascending gently, we arrive at the rim of a large snow basin. Camp 2 is located at scree on 5600 m. This day an early start is needed to avoid bad effects of the sun. From Camp 2 the route leads by 20-30 degrees slope at North-West ridge. The final 400 meter climb to the summit of Razdelnaya Peak is straight-forward but high altitude makes it hard work. The views from the summit are superb. At North we can finally get the true perspective of the Alai-Pamir while at South there are a multitude of snowy peaks. Communism and Korzhevskaya peaks dominate at the South Pamirs.

Basic program: 14 days

Day 1. Arrival to Osh, transfer and accommodation in a hotel.
Arrival to the airport. You will be met by our representative. He will give you all necessary documents. Transfer to the hotel.
Day 2. Transfer Osh – International Mountaineering Camp “Pamir”.
After breakfast transfer to IMC “Pamir” on our transport. In the camp our staff will show you a comfortable room inside one of the camp houses or a spacious tent for 2 people. Today you will meet your guide and you can ask him any questions about your further expedition.
Day 3. Acclimatization in Base Camp and radial hiking to a waterfall.
After the breakfast you will go for acclimatization hiking. Return to IMC and lunch. Rest and check the equipment.
Day 4. Acclimatization ascent to the ridge of Petrovskiy Peak.
After the breakfast we will start hiking to the ridge of Petrovskiy Peak. Ascent to 4000 m. asl till the snow cap. You will see the breathtaking views of Alay and Achik-Tash valleys. Return to IMC “Pamir” and rest.
Day 5. Trekking to Camp 1 (4400 m).
After breakfast trekking to Camp 1. You can send a luggage by horses (for extra payment). The route is going through alpine meadows, Puteshestvennikov pass and then by the slope of the ridge along Lenin glacier. Trekking takes 4-7 hours depending from your physical conditions.
Day 6. Ascend to Domashniy (Home) Peak (4750 m.) or Yuhin Peak (5120 m.)
After breakfast start acclimatization climbing. The ascend doesn’t require special equipment. Depending on the condition of the group, you can climb Domashny peak or climb further to Yukhin peak. Return to Camp 1.
Day 7. Preparing for the ascent.
Training on the ice in the morning. Exercises for moving along the glacier, team-rope work, ascend and descend by the fixed rope, self-safety skills and rescuing the injured from the crevasse. After lunch we are preparing for the climbing to Camp 2.
Day 8. Climbing to Camp 2 (5600 m).
Early breakfast. Start at 4 A.M. Ascend by a north slope of Lenin Peak. You will go in rope-team in crampons through glacier crevasses. Climbing takes about 7-9 hours. Accommodation in Camp 2. Cooking by yourself.
Day 9. Climbing to Razdelnaya Peak (6148 m.) and return to Camp 2.
Start at 9 A.M. By a steep slope to a ridge you are going to Razdelnaya mountain. Moving in a rope-team in crampons. The average climbing time is 4-6 hours. Descend to Camp 2. Rest. Cooking by yourself.
Day 10. Descend to Camp 1.
Early morning you will descend to Camp 1. Lunch in Camp 1.
Day 11. Descend to IMC “Pamir” (3600 м.)
Descend to IMC “Pamir”. Rest.
Day 12. Reserve day.
Reserve day in case of bad weather.
Day 13. Transfer from IMC “Pamir” to Osh.
After breakfast transport to Osh town. Lunchbox for the road IMC – Osh. Accommodation in the hotel.
Day 14. Flight back home.
Driver will take you to your flight home.

Guaranteed departure date expedition with experienced mountaineering guide.

For you convenience in 2023 we organize group departures with fixed dates!

2 July – 15 July
9 July – 22 July
16 July – 29 July
23 July – 5 August
30 July – 12 August
6 August – 19 August
13 August – 26 August

The cost of program in 2023

The cost of the program Osh-Osh in 2023 – 1400 USD/person

It includes:

  • Experienced high altitude guide
  • Installed high altitude tents at Camp 2 and Camp 3
  • Group equipment: rope, gas cartridges and gas stoves, cooking set.
  • High altitude food
  • Boundary zone permit, OVIR registration, visa support (if necessary);
  • Meeting/seeing off at the airport/ or at Dustlik check-post;
  • Transfer Osh –IMC “Pamir” – Osh
  • Transfer IMC – Onion glade – IMC (according to the schedule)
  • Lunch en route Osh- IMC – Osh;
  • Accommodation in hotel in Osh during the program (no more than 2 nights in total)
  • Rent of walkie-talkie (guide will carry radio station and contact ABC);
  • Registration at rescue team;
  • Ecological fee;

Additional payment for Bishkek-Bishkek program is 250 USD/person. This cost includes:

  • Accommodation in hotel in Bishkek for 2 nights
  • Flights Bishkek-Osh-Bishkek
  • Transfers airport – hotel – airport – 4 times

The cost of packages does not include:
– The cost of Kyrgyz visa
– International flight
– All optional deviations from the main itinerary
– SGL hotel accomodation ( extra 40 USD for Osh-Osh package, 60 USD for Bishkek-Bishkek package)
– Beverages and meals not included in main menu (meal in the cities)
– All personal expenses (extra luggage fee, room service, medical expenses/insurance, etc.)
– The rent of personal mountaineering equipment for ascending

Services at IMC “Pamir” and Camp 1:

Services at International Mountaineering Camp “Pamir” at 3600 m.: Services at Camp 1 (ABC) at 4400 m.:
Accommodation in double tents. Each tent is equipped with mattresses , wooden platforms and electricity. Accommodation in double tents with mattresses and wooden platforms, electricity from 18:00 until 22:00.
Meals – full board. Buffet breakfast Meals – full board. Early breakfast from 3 to 4 a.m. on request
Café – dining room, WC, storage, hot shower Dining-tent, WC tent, storage tent
Medical first aid and doctor’s consultation Medical first aid and doctor’s consultation
Electricity 220V, permanent source of electricity! Electricity 220V, 50HZ from 18:00 till 22:00


Cost of additional services in 2023:

Additional services in Lenin Peak Prices in USD
IMC (3600 m.) C1 (4400 m.)
Sauna in IMC (capacity: 4-5 person) and Camp 1 (capacity: 2-3 person) 30/hour 30/hour
Gas cartridge 10/for 1 can. 230 gr
Internet (WI-FI) 5 / hour
Porter services Cost per 1 kg USD
IMC (3600 m.) – C1 (4400 m.) or C1(4400 m.) – IMC (3600 m.) 3
C1 (4400 m.) – C2 (5600 m.) or C2 (5600 m.) – C1 (4400 m.) 10
C2 (5600 m.) – C3 (6100 m.) or C3 (6100 m.) – C2 (5600 m.) 12
C1 (4400 m.) – C3 (6100 m.) or C3 (6100 m.) – C1 (4400 m.) 22
Additional services in Bishkek and Osh Price USD
Flights Bishkek – Osh – Bishkek Depending from tariffs of aero companies
Accommodation in 3* hotel in Bishkek Sgl Twin
50/room 60/room
Accommodation in 3* hotel in Osh Sgl Twin
50/room 60/room
Transport services Price USD
Individual transfer Osh – IMC or IMC – Osh (one way) Mercedes Sprinter microbus (max 10 people) Jeep/minivan

 (max  4 people)

300 300


List of required equipment:
1. Backpack – 85 liters
2. Sleeping bag -1
3. Sleeping pad – 1
4. Harness – 1
5. Carbines  – 4
6. Jumar – 1
7. Crampons– 1
8. Repshnur (6-7 mm) – 5 m
9. Ice axe – 1
10. Sun glasses – 1 or 2
11. Torch (headlamp) -1 + set of spare batteries
12. Ice screw -2
13. Folding knife – 1
14. Down jacket/parka -1
15. Gortex: pants, jacket – 1 suit
16. Polartec: jacket 200 -1; pants – 1   17. Thermal underwear – 1 suit
18. Polartec 100 – 1 suit (jacket, pants)
19. Polartec gloves -1
20. Overmitts – 1.+ windproof -1
21. Warm hat -1
22. Balaclava -1
23. Warm socks -2 pairs
24. Socks
25. Gamashi
26. Sun protection crèam
27. Figure-8 descender – 1
28. Telescopic Sticks (poles). – 1
29. Avalanche shovel –1
30. High altitude boots – 1
31. Trekking boots -1

Insurance policy
ATTENTION! To participation in Razdelnaya Peak expedition the purchase of an insurance policy is OBLIGATORY!

Below you can check the list of our requirements to the insurance policy.
1) GLOBAL VOYAGER CAN NOT INTERVENE as an insurance company assistant . Our company does not work with GLOBAL VOYAGER assistant. In case the client has purchased an insurance policy in any company whose assistant is GLOBAL VOYAGER, medical and transportation expenses will be borne by the client involved.
2) The sum of the policy must cover not less than USD 30000,00
3) In the field “occupation” (or “sports practice”) “Mountaineering” must be notified
4) As Country of stay – Kyrgyzstan
5) The effective dates of the insurance policy must be included and coincide with the dates of Stay in Kyrgyzstan
6) The insurance policy must cover at least “first aid” and “transportation of the injured” by helicopter if necessary. The amount of coverage for the “transportation of the injured” must be at least $ 10000,00 (be sure of this point to be included during the formalization of the insurance policy)

Attention. Responsibility for the reliability of the insurance company and for the accordance of insurance policy to our demands holds by the owner of insurance.

Ala Archa Mountaineering School

Key Information:
Tour Duration: 2 – 7 day(s)
Group Size: 1 – 6 people
Destination: Kyrgyzstan
Category: Rock climbing and mountaineering
Specialty: Ice, Mountain, Rock
Min Price: 500 USD per person
Max Price: 970 USD per person

Supplier of services:
 ClimberCA International ConsortiumAbout Us
Telegram – https://t.me/ClimberCA
WhatsApp / Viber +7966 065-53-44
e-mail – your@climberca.com
Note: ClimberCA offers to you the best service & the firm prices of all kind of services we offer on our web-pages. Some services, which we offer to you, are truly unexampled.

More info in Russian

The Ala Archa National Park is an alpine national park in the Tian Shan mountains of Kyrgyzstan, established in 1976 and located approximately 40 km south of the capital city of Bishkek. The park, which includes the gorge of the Ala-Archa River and the mountains surrounding it, is a popular destination point for weekend picnicers, hikers, horse trekkers, skiers as well as mountain climbers looking for challenging ice, rock and mixed routes. The park is open year round, although the most popular season is late summer and early fall. Every May 1st, the Alpinada festival sees hundreds of people camp out in the valley and climb Peak Komsomolets.

In Kyrgyz, the archa, which gives the park its name, is a bright or many-colored juniper which the Kyrgyz people have traditionally held in special esteem, using smoke from its burning wood to chase away evil spirits. However, the archa is not supposed to be planted near the home, because it is believed gradually to sap the energy from human beings living close-by.

The park covers about 200 square kilometers, and its altitude ranges from about 1,500 meters at the entrance to a maximum of 4,895 meters at Peak Semenova Tian-Shanski, the highest peak in the Kyrgyz Ala-tau range of the Tian Shan. There are more than 20 small and large glaciers and some 50 mountain peaks within the park. Two smaller rivers, the Adygene and the Ak-Sai, originate from these glaciers’ melting waters. The Adygene gorge is a beautifully wooded valley, with waterfalls, springs and abundant trout. A small reservoir on the Kargay-Bulak river was built to study the Amu Darya trout. Other wildlife includes the very rare snow leopard (in Kyrgyz: “ilbirs”) on the alpine meadows and snowfields above 2,500 m elevation, wild goats, roe deer and marmots.

There is a nominal fee for entering the park. Past the gate the road continues 12 km to a small collection of buildings, including one newly renovated lodge. At the end of the road, up a trail to the left (East), lies the Ak-Sai Glacier. The region’s most famous peaks rise from the Ak-Sai glacier, including Korona (4860m) and Free Korea (4740m). To the west of Ala Archa Valley is a trail to the Adygene valley where a climbers’ cemetery is located. A third main trail continues down the center of the Ala-Archa valley for 10 km to an old, now abandoned, ski area and numerous other 4000m peaks.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ala_Archa_National_Park

Archa Mountaineering Archa Mountaineering Archa Mountaineering Archa Mountaineering Archa Mountaineering

“Mountaineering school” in Ala-Archa National Park

Novice climber (7-days program)

Day 1- Transfer to Ala-Archa gorge, trek to Ak-Sai canyon, accommodation in “Light House”.
The survey course in Modern equipment and its applying and Knots.
Day 2- Rock climbing training: Types of belay survey; climbing with top roping. Survey course in Dangers in mountains and Weather.
Day 3- Ice climbing training: Moving along the snow and ice relief using crampons. Moving along the close glacier in tied. Organization of belay on the snow and ice relief. Climbing and descending on the ice slope in tied. Rescue from the crevices.
Day 4- Ascent (F).
Day 5- Rock climbing training: Methods of belay; use the local stations; multi pitches; collective belay.
Day 6- Ascent (PD).
Day 7- Trek down, transfer to Bishkek.


The price of the program is 970 USD per person.

The price includes:
• transportation Bishkek – Ala-Archa – Bishkek;
• the organization of mountain ascents (rescue squad, mountain instructor);
• forming certificate;
• accommodation in “Light House” hut (6 nights);
• full board (3 times per day; in the days of climbing or outdoor training – lunch-box will be given);
• enter fee;
• group equipment: rope, rock and ice pitons (all equipment on the entry level).
• radio communications during the climbing;
• first aid kit and first aid.

The price does not include: 
• International flight to Bishkek and back;
• Food & accommodation in Bishkek
• Personal climbing equipment

Equipment needed

Backpack 50 liters; sleeping bag; warm cloth; gloves; hat; sunscreen glasses; shoes for the crampons; harness; helmet; carabine with lock – 5 pieces; descender; crampons; ice axe; cordelette – 5 meters; telescopic stick; flask – 0,5 liter; lantern.

Optional two-days programs of “Novice climber”

Option 1. 
Day 1: Chunkurchak canyon.
The survey course in Modern equipment and its applying and Knots.
Rock climbing training: Types of belay; climbing with top type of belay.
Day 2: Chunkurchak canyon.
Rock climbing training: Methods of belay; use the local stations; multi pitches; collective belay.

Equipment: Backpack 30 liters; belay system; helmet; shoes for climbing; carabine with clutch – 5 pieces; belay; descender; auxiliary rope – 5 meters.

Option 2.
Day 1: Climbing to “Light House”.
The survey course in Modern equipment and its applying and Knots.
Day 2: Ice climbing training: Moving along the snow and ice relief using crampons. Moving along the close glacier in tied. Organization of belay on the snow and ice relief. Climbing and descending on the ice slope in tied. Rescue from the crack.

Equipment: : Backpack 50 liters; sleeping bag; warm cloth; gloves; hat; sunscreen glasses; shoes for the crampons; belay system; helmet; carabine with clutch – 5 pieces; descender; crampons; ice axe; auxiliary rope – 5 meters; telescopic stick; flask – 1 liter; lantern.

Option 3. 
Day 1. Climbing to “Light House”.
Survey course in Dangers in mountains and Weather.
Day 2. Ascension (AD).

Equipment: : Backpack 50 liters; sleeping bag; warm cloth; gloves; hat; sunscreen glasses; shoes for the crampons; belay system; helmet; carabine with clutch – 5 pieces; descender; crampons; ice axe; auxiliary rope – 5 meters; telescopic stick; flask – 1 liter; lantern.

Intermediate Climber (7-days program)

Day 1 – Trek to “Light House”. The survey course in planning of climbing & Radio traffic.
Day 2 – Rock climbing: Interaction ligaments on the rocky relief. The use of double rope.
Day 3 – Ascension (PD).
Day 4 – The survey course in Moving of injured person on the difficult relief.
Day 5 – Ascension (AD-)
Day 6 – Ascension (Pd+)
Day 7 – Trek down, transfer to Bishkek.


The price of the program is 970 USDper person.

The price includes: 
• transport Bishkek – Ala-Archa – Bishkek;
• the organization of mountain ascents (rescue squad, mountain instructor);advance2
• forming certificate;
• accommodation in “Light House” hut (6 nights);
• full board (3 times per day; in the days of climbing or afternoon lessons given a lunch-box);
• enter fee;
• group equipment: rope, rock and ice pitons (all equipment on the entry level).
• radio communications during the climbing;
• first aid kit and first aid.

The price does not include: 
• International flight to Bishkek and back;
• Food & accommodation in Bishkek
• Personal climbing equipment

Equipment needed

Backpack 50 liters; sleeping bag; warm cloth; gloves; hat; sunscreen glasses; shoes for the crampons; harness; helmet; carabine with lock – 5 pieces; descender; crampons; ice axe; cordelette – 5 meters; telescopic stick; flask – 0,5 liter; lantern.

Optional two-days programs of “Intermediate climber”

Option 1.
Day 1. Climbing to “Light House”. The survey course in Rescue work in the mountains.
Day 2. Ascent (PD).

Equipment: : Backpack 50 liters; sleeping bag; warm cloth; gloves; hat; sunscreen glasses; shoes for the crampons; belay system; helmet; carabine with clutch – 5 pieces; descender; crampons; ice axe; auxiliary rope – 5 meters; telescopic stick; flask – 1 liter; lantern.

Option 2.
Day 1. Climbing to “Light House”. The survey course in Transportation the victim on complex terrain forces a small group.
Day 2. Ascent (AD-).

Equipment: : Backpack 50 liters; sleeping bag; warm cloth; gloves; hat; sunscreen glasses; shoes for the crampons; belay system; helmet; carabine with clutch – 5 pieces; descender; crampons; ice axe; auxiliary rope – 5 meters; telescopic stick; flask – 1 liter; lantern.

Option 3. 
Day 1. Climbing to “Light House”. Ice climbing. The survey course in The interaction of ligaments. Salvation of the cracks.
Day 2. Ascent (AD).

Equipment: : Backpack 50 liters; sleeping bag; warm cloth; gloves; hat; sunscreen glasses; shoes for the crampons; belay system; helmet; carabine with clutch – 5 pieces; descender; crampons; ice axe; auxiliary rope – 5 meters; telescopic stick; flask – 1 liter; lantern.

Advanced Climber (7-days program)

Day 1 – Trek to “Light House”. The survey course in Rescue work in the mountains. Role of the Leader.
Day 2 – The survey course in Transportation the victim on complex terrain forces a small group.
Day 3 – Ascension Ratseka Peak (3900m). D
Day 4 – The survey course in Interaction ligaments. Salvation from cracks.
Day 5 – Ascension to the Korona Peak (4810 m.) D
Day 6 – Ascension to the Ratseka Peak(3900m). D
Day 7 – Trek down, transfer to Bishkek.


The price of the program is 970 USDper person.

The price includes: 
• transport Bishkek – Ala-Archa – Bishkek;
• the organization of mountain ascents (rescue squad, mountain instructor);advance2
• forming certificate;
• accommodation in “Light House” hut (6 nights);
• full board (3 times per day; in the days of climbing or afternoon lessons given a lunch-box);
• enter fee;
• group equipment: rope, rock and ice pitons (all equipment on the entry level).
• radio communications during the climbing;
• first aid kit and first aid.

The price does not include: 
• International flight to Bishkek and back;
• Food & accommodation in Bishkek
• Personal climbing equipment

Equipment needed

Backpack 50 liters; sleeping bag; warm cloth; gloves; hat; sunscreen glasses; shoes for the crampons; harness; helmet; carabine with lock – 5 pieces; descender; crampons; ice axe; cordelette – 5 meters; telescopic stick; flask – 0,5 liter; lantern.

Optional two-days programs of “Advanced climber”

Option 1.
Day 1. Climbing to “Light House”.
The survey course in Rescue work in the mountains.
Day 2. Ascension to the Ratseka Peak(3900m.) D.

Equipment: Backpack 50 liters; sleeping bag; warm cloth; gloves; hat; sunscreen glasses; shoes for the crampons; belay system; helmet; carabine with clutch – 5 pieces; descender; crampons; ice axe; auxiliary rope – 5 meters; telescopic stick; flask – 1 liter; lantern.

Option 2.
Day 1. Climbing to “Light House”.
Lecture: The survey course in Transportation the victim on complex terrain forces a small group.
Day 2. Ascension to the Korona Peak (4810m.) D.

Equipment: Backpack 50 liters; sleeping bag; warm cloth; gloves; hat; sunscreen glasses; shoes for the crampons; belay system; helmet; carabine with clutch – 5 pieces; descender; crampons; ice axe; auxiliary rope – 5 meters; telescopic stick; flask – 1 liter; lantern.

Option 3. 
Day 1. Climbing to “Light House”.
Ice climbing. The survey course in The interaction of ligaments. Salvation of the cracks.
Day 2. Ascension to the Izyskatel Peak (3900 m.) D.

Equipment: Backpack 50 liters; sleeping bag; warm cloth; gloves; hat; sunscreen glasses; shoes for the crampons; belay system; helmet; carabine with clutch – 5 pieces; descender; crampons; ice axe; auxiliary rope – 5 meters; telescopic stick; flask – 1 liter; lantern.


Climbing ABOVE 7000M PEAK in 2020

The international consortium ClimberCA offers you to climb popular ‘seventhousanders’ (mountain peaks 7000+) of Pamir, Tien-Shan, Karakorum and Hymalayas in 2020.

Suppliers contact information:
Telegram +7771 467-41-93
WhatsApp / Viber +7966 065-53-44
e-mail – your@climberca.com

We start with Pamir, here are located four recommended in 2020 7000+ peaks:
– Muztagh-Ata peak – 7546 m. – Bishkek-Bishkek expedition 3200 USD per pax or Kashgar-Kashgar 2950 USD per pax. This mountain peak is one of the most easily achievable peaks in the world and is of particular interest to skiers, as a climb to the top can be made with the use of ski touring equipment.

There an opportunity to join us in affordable program for climbing Communism Peak and/or Korzhenevskaya Peak in 2020.

– Communism Peak 7495 m. – Dushanbe-Dushanbe expedition (2700 USD per pax)
– Korzhenevskaya Peak 7105 m. – Dushanbe-Dushanbe expedition (2700 USD per pax)

Note. If you climb two peaks (Communism and Korjenevskaya) from the BC “Moskvina glade”, the cost will be 3000 USD per person.

– Lenin Peak 7134 m. – Bishkek – Bishkek or Osh – Osh by the price 1280 USD/pax or 1050 USD/pax.

Two 7000+ peaks are located in Tien-Shan:
– Khan-Tengri – 7010 m. – Bishkek-Bishkek expedition. The full package in 2020 is 2250 USD / pax

Note: We offer expeditions with fixed dates to Khan-Tengri Peak from the south and from the north.

– Pobeda Peak 7439 m. – Bishkek-Bishkek expedition. Package price – 2250 USD / pax.
Note. If you climb two peaks (Khan-Tengri and Pobeda) from the BC “South Inylchek”, the cost is still 2250 USD per person.

Karakorum is presented by one the very popular 7000+ peak – Spantik – Islamabad – Islamabad expedition. Price 3450 USD. There are the fixed dates since 1-st & 31-st of July

In Hymalayas we offer you to climb Gyajikang 7,038mThe price is 4500 USD.

Also, upon request, we organize expeditions to the following ABOVE 7000M. PEAKS:
– Pumori (7145 m);
– Putha Hiunchuli (7246m);
– Churen (7371m);
– Tilicho (7134m);
– Lhakpa Ri (7045m) – Tibet face
– Ganesh Himal (7429m)
– Himlung Himal (7126m)
– Baruntse (7125m)

Note: this list does not exclude the possibility of organizing an ascension to any other 7000+ summit of the Himalayas. Just send your enquiry!

Most affordable in 2020 remains the expedition to Lenin Peak. At the same time on this mountain according to the customer we include maximal comfortable for climbing packs, which ideal for non-professionals. This level of the service have no analogues in Central Asia. We provide pre-installed tents, food and sets for cooking at high-altitude camps, installed ropes, guides, porters. There are the fixed dates for guided climbs.

Next to Lenin peak, in terms of affordable price, follows Khan Tengri, which also has fixed dates for guided expeditions, with pre-installed tents, food and sets for cooking at high-altitude camps, installed ropes, guides, porters.

But that’s not all! We offer you to climb Lenin Peak and Khan-Tengri with oxygen! This unique program will not only make the ascent safer, but also increases the chances of successful ascent in a shorter time (12 days only)!

We wish you good climbs in 2020!  your.climberca@ya.ru

Three 7000+ peaks of Kyrgyzstan in 2023

Supplier of services: ClimberCA International ConsortiumAbout Us
Telegram – https://t.me/ClimberCA
WhatsApp / Viber +7966 065-53-44
e-mail – your@climberca.com

Note: ClimberCA offers to you the best service & the firm prices of all kind of services we offer on our web-pages. Some services, which we offer to you, are truly unexampled.


Day 1. Arrival in Bishkek. Flight to Osh,accommodation in hotel.
Day 2. Transfer to base camp “Achyk-Tash”
Day 3. Acclimatization ascent of “Petrovskogo” peak. Descent to the base camp. Preparation day for climb to Camp 1.
Day 4. Climb to the Camp 1 (4400 m)
Day 5. Acclimatization ascent of “Domashniy” peak (4700m). Descent to the Camp 1. Preparation day for climb to the Camp 2.
Day 6. Climb to the Camp 2 (5300m)
Day 7. Climb to the Camp 3 (6200m)
Day 8. Descent to the camp 1 (4400m)
Day 9. Descent to the base camp (3600 м.)
Day 10. Rest day
Day 11. Preparation day
Day 12. Climb to the Camp 1 (4400m)
Day 13. Climb to the Camp 2 (5300 m)
Day 14. Climb to the Camp 3 (6200 m)
Day 15. Ascent of the Lenin peak summit (7134 m) and descent to the Camp 3.
Day 16. Descent to the camp 1 (4400m)
Day 17. Descent to the base camp (3600 m)
Day 18. Descent to the base camp.
Day 19. Rest day
Day 20. Transfer to Osh.
Day 21. Flight to Bishkek. Accommodation in hotel.
Day 22. Free day in Bishkek.
Day 23. Transfer Bishkek – Karkara (460 km), accommodation at Karkara Base Camp.
Day 24. Fly by helicopter to BC “South Inylchek” (4000m).
Day 25. Acclimatization and preparation for ascent.
Day 26. Camp 1. 4200m.
Day 27. Camp 2. 5300m.
Day 28. Camp 3. 5900m.
Day 29. Camp 4. 6400 m.
Day 30. Ascend to summit 7010m and descend to Camp 3.
Day 31. Descend to BC
Day 32. Rest day
Day 33. Preparation day
Day 34. Camp 1. 4200m.
Day 35. Camp 2. 5300m.
Day 36. Camp 3. 5900m
Day 37. Camp 4. 6400m
Day 38. Camp5. 6900m
Day 39. Camp6. 7100m
Day 40. Ascent of the Pobeda Peak summit 7439 and descent to the camp 5
Day 41. Descent to Camp 3. 5900m
Day 42. Descent to Camp 1. 4200m
Day 43. Descent to BC
Day 44. Reserve day in case of bad weather
Day 45. Reserve day in case of bad weather
Day 46. Fly by helicopter to BC “Karkara” and drive to Bishkek. Accommodation at hotel
Day 47. Free day in Bishkek
Day 48. Transfer to Airport.

Schedule of helicopter flights for 2023:

July 5, 12, 14, 19, 20, 25, 28, 30
August 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 16, 17, 24, 25

Cost of the program full package:

Cost of the program full package in 2023: 3400 USD/pax

Price includes:
– Meeting / seeing off at the airport, in Bishkek and in Osh.
– Transfers airport – hotel – airport, in Bishkek, and in Osh.
– Transfer Osh – Base Camp Achik-Tash – Osh.
– Transfer Bishkek – helipad Karkara – Bishkek.
– Flight Bishkek – Osh – Bishkek (free baggage allowance – 15 kg; over transportation additionally paid – 1-2 USD/kg).
– Helicopter flight to Base Camp South Inylchek (transportation of cargo without limit).
– Accommodation in hotels in Bishkek and in Osh with breakfast (not more than 5 nights!).
– Lunch on the road Osh – Achik-Tash – Osh and Bishkek – Karkara – Bishkek.
– Accommodation and meals (3 times a day) in the Base Camps: “Achik-Tash”, “Camp No. 1 on 4400 m”, “South Inylchek” and “Karkara”.
– Free use of a hot shower or bath, toilet, lockers in Base Camps: “Achik-Tash”, “Camp No. 1 at 4400 m”, “South Inylchek” and “Karkara”.
– Consultant guide services.
– First aid and consultation of doctor.
– Registration in the rescue team.
– Ecological fee.
– Fixed ropes on the route to Khan-Tengri Peak.
– Supplying with the radio contact on the route.
– Boundary zone permit, OVIR registration.

Price doesn’t include:
– The cost of the Kyrgyz visa
– International flight
– Meals not included in the program – meals on the mountains above Camp 1, and in the cities
– Alcoholic drinks
– Personal expenses (insurance, overweight in airplanes, etc.)
– Services of a mountain guide and porters
– Renting of personal and group climbing equipment

Additional service in BC:

Additional service in BC Achik-Tash:

– Rent of mountaineering tent – 80 USD per program.
– Accommodation in installed tents (in high altitude camps 2,3) – 60 USD per night.
– Gas cartridges KOVEA/COLEMAN (230 gr) – in BC – 9 USD / pc; in C1 – 10 USD / pc.
– Gas cartridges KOVEA/COLEMAN (440 gr) – in BC – 15 USD / pc; in C1 – 16 USD / pc.
– A set of high-altitude products: 120 USD/set.
– Internet (WI-FI) – in BC – 3 USD / hour; in C1 – 5 USD / hour.

Additional service in BC South Inylchek:

– Rent of mountaineering tent – 80 USD per program.
– Gas cartridges KOVEA/COLEMAN (230 gr) – 9 USD / pc.
– International calls – 4 USD/min
– Internet (WI-FI) – 5 USD / hour.

Mountain Guide services

Mountain Guide services for Lenin Peak per program (1-3 persons): 2000 USD
Mountain Guide services for Khan-Tengri Peak: 2500 USD

 List of needed Personal equipment:

Backpack – 85 liters, Sleeping bag -1, Sleeping pad – 1, Harness – 1, Carbines – 4, Jumar – 1, Crampons– 1, Repshnur (6-7 mm) – 5 m, Ice axe – 1, Sun glasses – 1 or 2, Torch (headlamp) -1 + set of spare batteries, Ice screw -2, Folding knife – 1, Down jacket/parka -1, Gortex: pants, jacket – 1 suit, Polartec: jacket 200 -1; pants – 1, Thermal underwear – 1 suit, Polartec 100 – 1 suit (jacket, pants), Polartec gloves -1, Overmitts – 1.+ windproof -1, Warm hat -1, Balaclava -1, Warm socks -2 pairs, Socks, Gamashi, Sun protection crèam, Figure-8 descender – 1, Telescopic Sticks (poles). – 1, Avalanche shovel –1, High altitude boots – 1, Trekking boots -1.

Insurance information

Dear guests,
Please pay attention on the fact of your security in case of any accidents if you purchase insurance policy. Responsibility for the reliability of the insurance company and for the accordance of insurance policy to our demands holds by the owner of insurance. We imperatively recommend to control next information in the insurance policy:

1) GLOBAL VOYAGER CAN NOT INTERVENE as an insurance company assistant

2) The sum of the policy must cover not less than USD 30.000

3) In the field “occupation” (or “sports practice”) “Mountaineering” must be notified

4) As Country of stay – Kyrgyzstan

5) The effective dates of the insurance policy must be included and coincide with the dates of Stay in Kyrgyzstan

6) The insurance policy must cover at least “first aid” and “transport of affected by helicopter if necessary” (be sure of this point to be included during the formalization of the insurance policy)

Before the formalization of the policy, make sure which assistant operates the insurance company in question.

Please remember: we do not work with GLOBAL VOYAGER assistant. In case the client has purchased an insurance policy in any company whose assistant is GLOBAL VOYAGER, medical and transportation expenses will be borne by the client involved.

Contact us

Supplier of services: ClimberCA International ConsortiumAbout Us
elegram – https://t.me/ClimberCA
WhatsApp / Viber +7966 065-53-44
e-mail – your@climberca.com

Note: ClimberCA offers to you the best service & the firm prices of all kind of services we offer on our web-pages. Some services, which we offer to you, are truly unexampled.